The Learning Curve February 27, 2012 Jennifer Turner
Jennifer Turner is an Honest to Goodness, Genuine Home-Schooling Mom Who Believes in student-led learning.
Jennifer is lucky to be able to benefit from A Cyber Charter School with on-line curriculum along with on-line teacher back-up and testing.
The benefit of all this to Jennifer’s two children is that, while they have to meet the state testing standards, she can allow the kids to progress through each item on the curriculum at the pace that best suits the child and also ensure mastery on all subject matter.
Hear how Jennifer practices Student Led Learning.
Hear how she works the interests and needs of each child into the lesson plans and material.
She is also able to allow each of her children to learn in the style best suited to the child—indeed she pays special attention to facilitating her children’s two different learning styles. And this further enhanced by her practice of Student Led Learning.
Jennifer says this method of educating her children has developed in them a wondrous love of learning, and the ability to discover and master anything they will ever have to deal with in later life.
And the big bonus Jennifer has found is that Home Schooling allows families to be flexible in meeting all of the needs of each member of the family.
Hear Jennifer answer these questions:
- What is student-led learning?
- How do home school parents incorporate their children’s interests during instructed learning time?
- How do our children meet state and federal school requirements by following the student led philosophy?
- Can traditional school settings incorporate a student-led philosophy?
More wisdom from Jennifer at her Blog:
Click here to listen February 27, 2012 Jennifer Turner
Roger & Virginia at The Learning Curve