Learning is a Process—The Passive High School Method is NOT Good Enough to Succeed at University: An active Method of Learning is Needed.

The Learning Curve November 21, 2011 Robert Neuman–part 2

Learning is a Process—The Passive High School Method is NOT Good Enough to Succeed at University: An active Method of Learning is Needed.

Parents have a critical part to play in getting their kids ready for college.

This week we have the return of Dr. Robert Neuman, the retired Dean of Academic Development at Marquette University and author of Are You Really Ready for College?

Dr Neuman reveals there are too many conversations about what the schools are not doing, but not enough conversations about what parents are not doing!

What you and your child can do to prepare for college and then what to do when in college so we win.

Click here to listen November 21, 2011 Robert Neuman part 2

Roger & Virginia at The Learning Curve — Overcoming the Seven Barriers to Comprehension


This week’s Learning Curve is about your child’s method and style of learning.

The Learning Curve March 21, 2011

This week’s Learning Curve is about your child’s method and style of learning.

We each have our own method of learning—and you should allow your child to do it it’s way!  You can’t dictate this to a child.  If you try to dictate how your child should learn, you’ll crush the kid and give them losses. Similarly, you must strive to facilitate an optimum balance between cause and receipt (the child being causative versus being made to inflow from the parent/teacher) in the learning process. If you violate either of these principles you risk sending your child down through the three levels of student decline to the bottom where the child goes into failure and gives up. We also discuss the point that dyslexia may well be the mark of a higher of a higher level of natural ability . . . not the disability that conventional wisdom holds it to be!  Tune in to get this latest on what research has revealed on these important issues.

Click here to play March 21, 2011

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