The Learning Curve November 28. 2011 Linda Dobson–part 3
Parental Choice in Education Allows Needs to Start with the Child and be Customized Around the Child.
Into whose hands goes the decision of what will be learned and by when?
Currently, the system’s standards make the system more important than the children it is supposed to serve, hence:
A Declaration of Educational Independence.
Parental choice in education is needed rather than the new laws being foisted upon us.
We need to change the core common standards that perpetuate the current system along with its belief that all children can be cookie-cutters and all the same. This is a system that has not served our children well; and has only served itself.
Become your child’s best learning coach.
More freedom in education.
Today on The Learning Curve with Roger and Virginia we have the return of Linda Dobson, author of The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child, and eight other books on helping your child’s education.
Linda has a treasure trove of information on her website:
Linda has been a columnist with Home Education Magazine “forever,” and was the first “Early Years” adviser for She also participated with Barnes and Noble University on these issues.
Click here to listen November 28, 2011 Linda Dobson 3
Roger and Virginia at The Learning Curve.